"I was tired of being the grumpy op-ed guy."
Sam L. Landman is a digital copywriter by day and an actor, playwright and ne’er-do-well by night. He’s half of the comedy duo known as Pommelhorse and as an actor he's worked with various theater companies around the Twin Cities including Loudmouth Collective, Park Square and Torch theater. He spent years on his Regret-A-Day blog and in 2015 wrote a one act play every week and posted them on his One Act A Week tumblr.
In this episode of the podcast, Sam talks about his one act a week project, recovering from a heart attack, how he reacted to unemployment and how much wanting to think of himself as a writer drove him to write more. Sam also talks about letting jealousy fuel his productivity, how he chooses who to collaborate with and why he loves the nerdy things he loves.
Sam also talks about the distinction between theater performers and comedy performers, how he thinks about stand up characters versus characters in a play and what his marriage means to his work.