“I always feel that cousins are your first best friends.”
Nausheena Hussain is immersed in civic life, serving on boards, her local charter commission and as an election judge. She founded Reviving the Islamic Sisterhood for Empowerment (RISE), a leadership development nonprofit, to elevate Muslim women. Nausheena continues to examine why there are so few Muslim women in positions of power and wants to understand what could potentially be holding them back.
On this episode of the podcast, Nausheena talks about starting RISE in order to transform the way Muslim women engage and interact with their communities. She talks about not wanting to wear the label of “leader” and about the true collaboration it takes to be a working mother and wife. Nausheena also talks about unexpectedly coming into community building work, her time working in the health care industry and the corporate world and why she always wants to learn new things.